Different programming languages have different approaches and give you different tools to solve problems. If you only learn one or two similar languages then you’ll not know about the other tools and ways of thinking about a problem that might be out there.

For example, I found learning Elixir (and by extension Erlang and the BEAM VM) was great for learning how to break down problems by what has to happen sequentially and what can happen in parallel. Also for how to manage co-ordinating parallel processes. Something that’s useful when you work with lambdas, background jobs etc. in any language.

The more approaches you know about the more ways you have to think about how to break down problems. The Pragmatic Programmers have Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks, and Seven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks that give you a tour of many different languages and how they work. At this time of year looking at the different solutions for Advent of Code on Reddit is also great for seeing the different ways people approach and solve the same problem.

Are you going to learn a new language in 2025? If so which one and how does it differ from the ones you already know?